Hosted by Kelvin and Isasac, tonight's show is about the "S" word (Sex).
Hosted by Kelvin, Isasac, Willy (Trey as Radio Tech), tonight's show is teen pregnancy.
Hosted by Kelvin, Trey and Willy, during this rainy night we talk about teenage employment.
This is a great show about bullying with a couple call-ins from victims and even the parents of bullies.
Tonight's show about HIV. Hosted by Crazy Kelvin.
Tonight's show is about mental illness. Hosted by Crazy Kelvin.
Tonight's show is hosted by Onik Khan. Tonight we talk about the last day of Summer and the pending return to highschool.
Tonight's show is hosted by Onik. On this hot last night of August we talk gearing up for school in September. Some of us are excited some of us want summer to continue on forward!
Tonight's show interviews Peter Bones, an underground hip-hop artist who attended the G-20 protest, had his picture displayed in newpapers and on a CP24 (a news network) during the G-20. He talks about his experience and has put together a song to reflect that day.
Hosted by Trey, with a group of high school students, they talked about teen mental health.
Catch da Flava interviews Murphy Brown as she runs for a position as trustee.
Tonight's show is about the latest film craze, Inception.
Tonight's show is hosted by Kelvin and the topic is the G-20. A guest brings some behind the scenes audio of the protests and the setting of police cars on fire.
Tonight's show is hosted by Kelvin and Onik, they talk about the upcoming Toronto Mayor election and Canadian government spending.
Tonight's show is about sports mainly the World Wide Sport Soccer where Spain has recently won.
Tonight's show is entirely produced by kids! Students from Nelson Mendela Park Public School. They talk about the revitalization of Regent Park and have a selection of music that relates.
Tonight's show is about various issues in the city, including the G-20 Summit, hosted by Onik.
Tonight's show is about the Hijab.
What is the correct size for a woman? what does society expect from woman? What do modeling agentacy expect from woman, in terms of their figure? Tonight's show is about the figure of women in today's society and what youth consider to be a healthy size.
A breif discussion about the partical collections test.
An old radio show is re-aired about homework. Hosted by Steve Blair, Ice and Tyrone MacLean-Wilson (T-Bone)
Our next radio show scheduled for February 22, 2010 will be based on the 2010 Olympic games in Vancouver. We will start with a commentary on the opening ceremony of the Olympic games when athletes, Steve Nash, Wayne Gretzky lit up the cauldron to start the games. Our main topic for the radio show will be on Canada's aspiration to get a gold medal in both the men's and women's hockey. Abdi, a new member of our radio collective, will talk about the women side of Olympic hockey. While Ruhul will talk about the men side of Olympic hockey and the rivalry Canada and Russia. We both think that it will be a great show.
The February 16, 2010 Catch da Flava radio show was hosted by Shamina, Rima and Lupa. Our featured guest was Farrah from Aqsazine. She talked about the Aqsazine and issues around Muslim identity particularly for young girls. We also talked about Muslims in the media and and how youth can use zines as a voice/form of social action.
Amer, Bipu and I (Ishtique) were on the radio show on Feb 9th, 2010. We started the show with two youth guests from Toronto Community Housing, Tarak and Yousuf. They talked about the youth tenant elections scheduled for April 8, 2010. Our main topic was on the concept of prank calls. We discussed issues like why youth decides to make prank calls and weather they know their limit or not. We also talked about the impact it has on strangers and friends. We talked about our personal experiences dealing with prank calls and making them. The last 6 minutes of the show was devoted towards the Olympics and how pumped up people are. and our two guests Tarak and Yusuf talked about the youth elections in regent park.
On Tuesday, February 2, Glen Murray, the Liberal Candidate in the February 4 provincial by-election in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale (which includes Regent Park) paid a visit to FOCUS Media Arts Centre and was interviewed live by Catch da Flava Radio correspondents Bipu, Amer, and Ishtiaque. Mr. Murray is no stranger to the political scene, having served as mayor of Winnipeg for many years.
A number of issues of particular importance to residents of the Park were discussed including the ongoing revitalization of Regent Park. He expressed a strong commitment to improving the affordable housing situation in the area. He also stressed the importance of arts and culture as a means of building strong communities and pointed to specific measures that are taking into account the ethnic diversity in Regent Park. Murray also discussed his belief that public input will play a large part in the political decision making process if he is elected. The interview aired later that evening on CKLN Ryerson radio along with a pre-recorded interview of Cathy Crowe.
Please note in the interest of democracy FOCUS Media Arts Centre Youth Magazine provides a forum for political candidates to share their platform with the community. FOCUS Media Arts Centre does not support any one part.
Tonight's show we talk a bit about FOCUS Media Arts Centre's Last Fridays which is an event that occurs every Last Friday of every month. The main topic tonight is about the pluses and minuses about certain foods.
On tonight's show we talk about the earthquake that rocked Haiti. Tonight's show is covered by David and Nicolas Rowe.
Tonight's show is about "The End of The World" in the media.