Focus Media Arts Centre
FOCUS Media Arts Centre
Regent Park Focus
Regent Park TV
Radio Regent
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Video and TV Broadcasting Program

The Regent Park Focus TV Broadcasting & Video Production program provides students with the formal training to pursue their interests or a career in the television production industry. The curriculum covers the creative side of production, as well as technical operations. Following a hands-on approach, students explore all aspects of in-studio and field production, news writing, camera operations and editing. Course Covers:

TV Technical Operations 1 - Studio Technology

TV Technical Operations 1 is an introduction to contemporary live broadcasting TV technology. Students learn the basic operational and electronic characteristics of the television equipment used in a production studio. The student will also become familiar with basic test and measurement procedures used in television operations. Focus is on the basic operating Techniques of television studio equipment. Objectives are met through demonstration and hands-on exercises. As part of this course students will have the opportunity to tour a professional television broadcast studio.

TV Technical Operations 2 - Optimizing Audio and Video Signals

This course hones skills in manipulating video images and audio levels in order to achieve an aesthetic product. Students explore the building blocks upon which all signals are based and introduced to test and measurement instruments as applied to electronic cinematography.

TV Technical Operations 3 - TV Programming

The operation of a television station is complicated, challenging and requires accurate timing. Students operate the station on a daily basis, roll in public service announcements, throw to live feeds from the studio. As part of this course students are required to produce their own live TV studio broadcast.

TV Field Production 1 - Introduction Focus

TV Field Production 1 - Introduction Focus is on the setup and operation of television field equipment for the filming of offsite productions. Students shoot and light subjects under actual field conditions. The preproduction process and location scouting are discussed.

TV Field Production 2 - Complete Field Production

This course takes the student through the complete field-production process. Shooting and editing skills are refined through the production of short video segments culminating in the creation of a short drama, documentary or remote field news cast.

TV Post-Production 1 - Editing Skills

This course focuses on basic editing methods and operations. Students prepare detailed shot lists and paper edits which guide them through their video edit sessions. TV Technical Operations or TV Field Production Pre-requisites required.

TV Post-Production 2 - Editing Skills

The history of editing, different types of editing systems, and various methods of editing are discussed. Students learn how to edit raw audio and video by keeping accurate records of the tape content, and through the creation of edit decision lists. In the edit suites, the setup of a work file, various transitions, and special effects are learned.

TV Post – Production 3 - Digital Editing

Students use computer-based editing using Pro non-linear systems. This course is primarily operation-based whereby the student learns the many functions of professional editing software. Students make creative and editorial decisions in the edit room. The material edited by the student is aired weekly to the local viewing audience.

TV Post-Production 4 - Computer Graphics 1

Creating the Image Introduces the student to the world of computer-generated images, beginning with character generation and ending with complex graphics sequences. Student-generated images are incorporated into internal broadcasts. TV Post-Production Pre-requisites required.

Previous Student Work


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585 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2B7 | info@focusmediaarts.ca
FOCUS Media Arts Centre | Regent Park Focus | Regent Park TV | Radio Regent

Regent Park Focus © 2022
A program of FOCUS Media Arts Centre

Focus Media Arts Centre